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As the series on the human energy centers, or chakras, continues. We focus now on the next energy center, and perhaps the most important of all seven centers, the Heart chakra. This amazing chakra sits just above the Solar Plexus chakra, placing the energy center within the area of the heart, located in the center of the chest.

The Heart chakra or better known by the name Anahata, which translate to unstuck, unhurt and unbeaten. The association with balance, calm and serenity that governs love, compassion and acceptance. The Heart chakra is represented by two colors green and pink, element is air, sound is YAM.

The Heart chakra position within the heart area, central in the body, brings forth a very special chakra, as it acts as a bridge between the upper and lower chakras. The lower chakras represent our mental, emotional and physical well-being. The upper chakras represent our spiritual side, our divine guidance, insight, our soul’s purpose.

Not only does the heart pump much needed life throughout our bodies, the Heart chakra connects us to ourselves, and the world that is all around us. How we perceive everything we come into contact with, it creates an emotion. A feeling good, bad or indifferent.

Survival of life, the root chakra, coupled with emotions, feelings, sensations, the Sacral, then filter through our responses, our actions, the I do, the Solar Plexus, now flow through the bridge of the heart chakra into the realm of our divine, our true essence. Words such as kindness, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, peace, understanding, and the greatest meaning of life itself, unconditional love, fill our being. Stored for safe keeping deep within our soul.

It is the flow of back and forth from lower chakras to higher chakras, that aligns these energy centers to such strength. The order that can keep our emotions in check, our mental stability, and reasoning, that in turn keeps the physical well being.

As I am trying to bring forth informative information about this most incredible chakra, words can never really speak the entire truth. Life can never really be described in a book, let alone in an article. There is simply too much to share, and each of us has our own unique life, purpose, and more. We cannot live life on this planet in our human bodies without a heart, same is true with the connection that the heart chakra provides.

When we can tap into the divine, our true life’s purpose, the way becomes clearer. We tend to see things in a much broader brush, the strokes that paint the picture, show us we do possess heavenly qualities, we can live a rich full life as it is given. When the heart chakra is blocked, the reverse becomes the truth, the damning of the flow leads to brokenness, depression, unreasonable tendencies, unable to truly see the forest for the trees, as we have become out of touch with the true self.

If the heart chakra has become unable to flow as it once did, seek healing, find fruits and vegetables rich in green color, healing stones such as rose quartz, green adventurine, just to name a few. Begin to understand that life didn’t come with an instruction manual, so don’t be hard on yourself for mistakes, learn to forgive yourself, as well as others. Learn to let go of the past that no longer serves you, stop looking in the rear view mirror, and look through the windshield of life. Your best days are yet to come. Always remember, although no manual was provided, everything you need lies within. Seek your truth and find your path… It’s yours for the taking… Smile you deserve it…

Next time lets take all this and add the next chakra, the Throat… Till then….