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In a world that seems so cold, and not so interpersonal, it is hard to believe one can find answers to anything concerning life pressing questions. Let alone much needed understanding in a given situation, or should I say, situations. Plural. Yet, despite all the confusion, misgivings, and lack of compassion we so often experience, just the opposite can be found in the mist of it all. If you just know where to look.

In our continuing series on Mindfulness, we will explore the avenue of signs, basically, a broad stroke of the brush, that can change your perception on so many levels.

As we drive along a road, or walk down a street, signs give us directions in which to find a location. It can be a place of business, or simply how to get to a place unfamiliar. Yes, we all know this to be true. But, allow me to take your mind on a voyage into the world of our inner intuition. Oh, yes, you do possess that inner voice, and or gut feeling that is with you throughout your life. Whether it speaks loudly inside your being, or you experience those overwhelming feelings that can alert you to hidden danger. Equally, that inner voice and gut feeling can softly direct you in finding the right mate in life, or the perfect home to live in, or it can simply bring peace and happiness. It is our built in automatic navigation system at work.

What is surprising, is many take this feature, as part of the scheme of things, and don’t put any real thought into the make up of this attribute. Never seeking to pose the questions such as, why am I feeling this way right now, why do I hear don’t do it, or do it, do it? Just chalking the whole thing up to it is one of those crazy things our mind does.

So lets start with this concept. Simply stated, you have two choices in life, the positive, or the negative, coupled with the fact, we all have free will. You have heard the old adage, “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”, on the flip side, the ability to tap into your mind, bringing unbridled perception would be the ideal. Would it not? With that said, and without going into the psychology of all things, good, bad or indifferent.

Think about this, our mindset sets the stage everyday, the way we view our routine, our daily life in general. We have worked hard at building our outlook, and we do know it pretty darn well. Despite, those upsets every now and then, that can throw us off track. It is actually during those times of derailment that can give us the upper hand in resetting the way we think, feel and act upon in any situation. Which can ultimately lead to that “unbridled perception” we all so wish we could achieve.

So what about these signs you are talking about? In our travels through life, we can either close our eyes or keep them wide open to the possibilities. The difference comes in the way you perceive it. If you come to learn that our built in navigation system, our intuition, can guide us to see the signs in a much different way than we did before, we are making progress. Suddenly, walking down the same road day after day, now, you see things you never saw before. Even the smells can be different, more open, more inviting to our soul.

Over time, we become more open to the signs that are all around us. No longer is a stop sign simply a stop sign, You may have asked the question, should I travel this weekend to a friends house? Our intuition can shed light on this question, if we just listen, look around at the signs that surround us. The answer will come to you. Perhaps, you seek an answer to a job position, advancement at work, or some sort of financial question, intuition can indeed help us identify a more hopeful path to take, in finding answers. Perhaps you keep noticing the caution sign, or yield, or slippery when wet. All can take on a different meaning.

Fine tuning our intuition is a process, one that takes time to develop the trust, the understanding of the signs that surround us. There is a lot on this subject, as signs can be more than physical signs, it can be things in nature, or simply just hearing that little voice inside of you…

All of which is a good start, learning to see and understand things in a new way can be challenging, but, never unable to achieve, IF you find a place to start, a belief that we all have the ability…You just need to trust, and surrender to your gift.