Our Mindfulness Series takes us to yet another aspect of this much needed understanding of our human existence. So let’s do a bit of a recap for those who might have found this article without reading the others. First, mindfulness, description, is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. The goal of mindfulness is to wake up to the inner workings of our mental, emotional, and physical processes. Mindfulness is available to us in every moment, whether through meditations and body scans, or mindful moment practices like taking time to pause and breathe.
Now, building off from that description, let us delve into how all this comes together, and why you too can benefit from this simple practice. When you can bring your mind, your body, and soul to the table in unison, this is where the magic can take hold. Still with me? Well, your mind begins with a thought, as we all know, the thought then becomes the action. The action produces a result, right, wrong or indifferent. It is that thought and action together, that affects the body. But, what about the soul? Well, you are a soul, within the physical body.
As deep dive as this subject is, over time, the more you learn about this subject, I promise you, it will make more sense. It is hard to imagine sometimes, that a simple step or steps can bring such peaceful results. It is like we really need to overthink it, and make it a more complicated issue, when really it is not. Simple terms, learning to be mindful and the practices there of, can bring lasting positive results in your life. Healing to the soul.
So when you can react to a sometimes negative situation with a thought, a simple thought, such as I know this is difficult, it’s not fair, but, I can deal with this bad news. All is not lost, even though it feels like it. Take a deep breath in, slow yourself down mentally, bring your awareness to peace, and tranquility, among the chaos that surrounds you in thoughts. It is this first step that will lead your body, including emotions, to the same. This action overtime, as a direct response to bad news, or unpleasantness, can create a habit, a good habit, a healing habit.
Let us take this one step further, as you begin to slow down the negative thoughts in your mind, slow your physical body, by seeking peace, such activities as taking a walk, resting the body, caring for your physical in a way it finds harmony, and acceptance. Perhaps, a favorite hobby, or eating healthy foods, just think as you develop your mind to slow down, make sure you treat your body the same way. Yes, as your mind begins relax, your body naturally follows. But re-think it this way, actually, by treating your physical needs along with mental, it is like a reward for a job well done. Overtime, your emotions will also follow along, bringing the whole gang together as one. In a positive way!
Instead of blowing up emotionally over bad news, with anger, upset, hatred, ultimately bringing on stress, confusion, unrealistic thoughts, and so on. This chronic toxic recipe over time causing sickness and disease never wins the argument. Never solves the problems at hand. Truth is, we all get bad news from time to time, we may live under constant stress due to finances, broken relationships, and more. Why add fuel to this fire, that can destroy. You can deal with problems or circumstances, in a positive or negative way, it is your choice. Just remember, a calm action, brings more clarity to any situation.
It all starts with good thoughts in the mind, praise your physical body, ultimately balancing the soul as a result. That restful connection that we all can do, we all can achieve, you just need to start somewhere.
Why not seek to find peace in the war of your soul?