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Signs, Signs, Every where is a sign

Signs, Signs, Everywhere is a Sign?

In a world that seems so cold, and not so interpersonal, it is hard to believe one can find answers to anything concerning life pressing questions. Let alone much needed understanding in a given situation, or should I say, situations. Plural. Yet, despite all the confusion, misgivings, and lack of compassion we so often experience,…

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Body, Mind and Soul, The Rested Connection

Our Mindfulness Series takes us to yet another aspect of this much needed understanding of our human existence. So let’s do a bit of a recap for those who might have found this article without reading the others. First, mindfulness, description, is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are…

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The Throat Chakra – Speak Your Truth

In our fast paced world, we often give little thought to our bodies energy centers. Let alone even knowing we have them. We wake up and begin our day, thinking, planning and going through the motions. But, if you ever did decide to look into what makes you tick so to speak, you might be…

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Heart Chakra – The Journey of Life

As the series on the human energy centers, or chakras, continues. We focus now on the next energy center, and perhaps the most important of all seven centers, the Heart chakra. This amazing chakra sits just above the Solar Plexus chakra, placing the energy center within the area of the heart, located in the center…

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