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So you ask what the heck are chakras, and furthermore, what do they have to do with the human body? This is the usual response from most people when the topic of chakras, and the human body come up for discussion. Actually you might be surprised to learn chakras play quite a pivotal role to our body, mind and soul.

Let’s start this quest with what is a chakra? Chakra is a Sanskrit, is a word meaning spinning wheel. So imagine if you will these spinning wheels all along your spine, beginning at the base, up through the top of your head. There are actually hundreds of chakras, but, lets start out learning about the seven main chakras, beginning at the base of your spine.

As we all have learned in science, we are surrounded with energy… The galaxies above, right down to the soil below our feet, and everything else in between is energy. So, why wouldn’t our bodies be energy as well?

Since the dawn of time, people have known that all living things carried a life force within. Energy that moves within each and everyone of us, as well in everything. The life force, or Prana, as some call it, moves within us spinning and rotating. This spinning energy has seven main centers in the body, starting at the base of your spine, all the way to the top of your head. Each chakra corresponds to an area of the body, a set of behavioral characteristics and stages of spiritual growth.

The seven main chakras are:

  • Muladhara- Also called Root or Base … Located at the base of the spine
  • Svadhisthana- Also called Sacral… Located abdomen, genitals, lower back/hip
  • Manipura- Or called Solar Plexus – Located just below the naval area
  • Anahata- Heart Chakra – Located heart area
  • Vishuddha- Throat Chakra – Located in the throat
  • Ajna- Or better known as The Third Eye – Located between brow forehead area
  • Sahasrara- Crown Chakra – Located top of head, cerebral cortex.

Each of the chakras has a color unique to the chakra. It is the chakra colors that can be seen as the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body, better known as The Aura, the colors reflect the energy flowing through the chakras, and can be related to the state of the various bodily functions, as well as the emotions, other spiritual elements.

The Base chakra color is red, the next is the Sacral, which is orange, then the Solar Plexus, represented by yellow, next is the Heart chakra which is green, then the Throat which is blue, then comes the Third Eye which is indigo in color, and of course the Crown which is a golden white in color.

Next time I will go into the more detail about the colors, correlation with various parts of our human bodies.

Until next time!