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Often when people think of Psychics, it can be associated with the vision of a Gypsy at a local fair. Step inside her mystical tent, as all around you, candles flickering all aglow. The atmosphere is so magical, as the gypsy calls you near. Come sit down, as she begins by speaking some gibberish, such as Ebie, Jeebie, Riddles and Rats, as she looks deeply into her crystal ball, reading your fortune…well goodness, you are thinking… but can it be true?

Yes! The truth is, a good Psychic can in fact provide amazingly accurate results during a reading. Oh, and you don’t always need to find one at the local fair. Today, Psychics are present in all walks of life, from your co-worker to even a family member.

Psychics have become more popular over the years. They are like a guide to the psychic realm. Some are more prone, or find it easier to communicate with those who have passed over, angels or higher beings. It is about the energy, our world is energy, and so are we as human beings, oh animals too.

Psychics work to help others try to make the most of their lives and try to help them get clarity when needed in sometimes tough situations. Not to mention love relationships, career advice, and so much more. It is important to mention, it isn’t always about the future, as individuals we do have free will, and because of that, we can in fact alter a predicted future. Never do we proclaim 100 percent certainty that something will or will not happen. Energies change, as does free will.


Psychic Code of Ethics

The Psychic Declaration of Principles

  • I am working to enhance the image of the metaphysical community by living with personal and professional integrity.

  • I am treating all persons equally without prejudice or discrimination because of sex, race, ethnic background, color, religious affiliation, or sexual preference.

  • I am scrupulously avoiding fraudulent claims, practices, and promises, and I always strive for quality in readings and all metaphysical and spiritual work.

  • I am encouraging seekers to accept total responsibility for their lives and the choices they must make in their lives.

  • I am honoring others’ points of view, even those that differ from mine.

  • I am setting reasonable fees with no hidden costs or surprise fees. I do not keep the client falsely engaged just to increase my fee.

  • I am keeping all readings confidential 

    I am not claiming 100% accuracy because no one has or is meant to have all the answers all the time. Spirit, God, and/or the Universe has a plan that is not always revealed to us and discreet.

  • I advise my clients that I am not a licensed therapist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor and therefore do not provide a diagnosis or psychological counseling.

  • I do not counsel that someone is about to die or has a terminal disease even if I feel serious illness may be present.

  • I never try to force clients to accept what I am telling them.

  • keep the clients’ welfare in mind first. In cases where I feel I cannot psychically serve the customer; I advise them honestly and either refund their money or refer them to another psychic counselor.

  • Finally, I promise to work conscientiously for the highest and best good of my client