In our fast paced world, we often give little thought to our bodies energy centers. Let alone even knowing we have them. We wake up and begin our day, thinking, planning and going through the motions. But, if you ever did decide to look into what makes you tick so to speak, you might be…
Our continuing series addressing the seven main chakras, we have posted here in Mediums Too, in our “Spiritual Corner.” Last time we shared information about the Root Chakra, “The I am”, the basic internal survival chakra. The instinctive means in which we wake up everyday, get dressed, and walk out the door into life.
So you ask what the heck are chakras, and furthermore, what do they have to do with the human body? This is the usual response from most people when the topic of chakras, and the human body come up for discussion. Actually you might be surprised to learn chakras play quite a pivotal role to…
Certainly, you recall learning about energy, atoms, protons, neutrons, science in general, and the way we interact with our world around us. We also learned about magnets that either connect in a powerful bond, or repel like trying to get away from the smell of yesterday’s garbage. All this to say, energy is not just…