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In our busy world we often forget to find time for the inner peace within selves. Oh, how often we have heard that, and think, why oh why does it even matter. I eat, exercise, buy myself things that I desire, I need. I take care of myself… I seek peace and happiness all the time…well, that isn’t exactly the point here. Let us try this…

Welcome back to another edition of our ongoing Mindfulness Series, here at Mediums Too. In this issue like to get more in-depth on the subject of self love. How it affects each of us, and the difference it can make in our lives.

When you say or think about the four letters that translate to LOVE, many thoughts come to mind. Such as love for another, love for family, love for food, clothing, cars, many things, both material and emotional. The emotion of love is a beautiful thing, it can bring such joy and happiness to the beholder. It can make a cloudy day, sing with sunshine in the sky above. But, as mentioned, how often have you really thought deeply about the kind of love, that is self?

People for the most part tend to view self love, as that, selfish, and of course the bulk of us believe selfishness isn’t what one should do at all. But, again, loving thy self, is a real need, and one that is built right into our make up. Have you ever heard the term Chakras? We have written a few articles and posted them in our Spiritual Corner here on our site. Chakras are our energy centers, they help us as a whole to interpret our world, a world of energy that flows all around us, twenty-four hours a day, non-stop.

The chakra most supportive of the endeavor of love, is of course, the Heart chakra. Not only does the heart keep our body alive, it is the epicenter for this human emotion called LOVE. When the Heart chakra, one of seven main chakras within our body, is blocked, the energy flow of the truest essence of the loving heart begins to derail, break down, believing the worst, no matter the circumstances. Over time begins to disrupt the body, causing sickness and disease, if left unchecked.

Understanding the importance of a healthy, flowing Heart chakra holds the key, a key that unlocks the door to self awareness, self acceptance, and eventually self love. Loving thy self, is not a complicated subject all of itself, and many professional scholars have tried tackling this massive, overreaching, vast subject. Truth is, it does not need to be about philosophy, or even a debate among the most knowledgeable in this area of study. One very simple truth says it all… LOVE is built right into our DNA.

Once acceptance comes that self love isn’t about selfishness, but, more about a higher, more loving means in which to view others around you. To see the goodness in everything, no matter, good or bad. Actually self love if tendered with the right light, gives us the ability, to see things, most never even have come to know. Being able to forgive, and find that inner peace that surpasses all human understanding. To walk a path less walked, that leads to bigger and better things. Thoughts that inspire, a means of coaching us to victory in life, that little thing called, making sense of our place in this world.

No self love isn’t for the faint of heart, because the meaning has not been established. Self love is who we are, and when we can tap into this source, this pool so to speak, that is when miracles happen in our lives. Ultimately, we are then able to bring goodness into lives around us. To smile at the world, to bring grace and unstoppable passion. To be the love, the world so desperately needs.

By the way, cultivating self love into your life, brings more than joy, it brings healing to the physical body. Brings desire from others around you, to seek your secret to unchained happiness. So grab the key that unlocks the door to self love. Always remember, it’s our gift, our inner being, and it can be a ticket to ride the most amazing journey our thoughts, as well as actions, could have ever dreamed.

Mindfulness in learning self love…more coming on this topic…

Until next time…