In our race of living everyday, the whole mind, body, and soul connection, one particular foe, seemingly stands heads and tails above all the rest. The collateral damage associated with this unforeseen enemy can either ruin the party, or bring about profound change.
Hurt is a powerful four letter word, one that can be carried in the hearts and minds for generations, or simply discarded, depending on the battle. Truth is we all have both inflicted hurt, often unknowingly, as well been the recipient of it’s stinging bite. The proof comes in the pudding so to speak, how we take in the action, the words, and the emotions, ultimately filtering the scenario to a more suitable taste.
It has often been said, an unforgiving heart bleeds deep, for it can take over every thought, every action rendering negativity and mistrust. It is almost as if the mind is flooded, unable to start, much like a car on a cold morning. No matter how many good things happen, how many smiles are shinning, or hugs of love and warmth, the light within one’s soul just never seems to shine bright. Its faded as if worn out, discarded, left upon the shore, as each wave pushes further and further out to sea.
In the engagement of life, we all possess free will.. It is much like our knight in shinning armor. Our shield against the forces we face every day. The decisions we make, or not make, sets us apart from all others. Our distinctive mark on the canvas we all share. Our knight upon his steed can ride forcefully into conflict, continuing the never ending fight, or enter peacefully, assessing the situation, always holding firm to the belief, not all may be as it seems. To then evaluate those involved, why, and how to best find victory, not defeat.
The knight carries into battle his sword to defend off all who come to challenge. As the sword can inflict pain, the same can be imagined for an unforgiving heart. When one cannot forgive the pain inflicted by another, often the wounds of circumstances is never resolved, thus never truly heals. The battle rages on in the mind, ultimately affecting the rest of the body, resulting in sickness and disease. It has been proven that chronic unrest, negativity, and victim mentality over time can destroy.
When the battle is viewed through peace and strength, the shield of free of will to forgive, then guards the heart, bringing forth the power of love, and compassion. That peace that surpasses all human understanding, no matter how deep the wounds penetrated. No matter the pain and suffering, it is never forgotten, but what can be is the sword of anger, hostility, resentment towards the challenger. The trauma of these negatives into the mind, that then affects the body is no longer the issue. Suddenly, the battlefield has transformed to reveal victory, resolve, now overshadowing, what was once plagued with brokenness and despair.
On the battlefield of the mind, all can be exceeded, resulting in unhealed wounds, continuing fighting, and eventual defeat. Equally, the same engagement can find all can be taken away, resulting in healing, and victory in all conflicts both past and future…
The knight of a forgiving heart rides high amid the fields of thoughts and actions, displaying peace through strength…Chose wisely my friend….
Kim Buchanan
November 19, 2023