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In our continuing series here at Mediums Too, we have been bringing forward articles that hopefully will bring some clarity into one aspect of how the human body is made of energy. Not only that, but, how this energy translates to our overall health, and our spirituality we all possess.

We began this series with the Aura, if you remember the aura surrounds our outer body, and to the trained eye, can show layers that indicate so much about our physical and emotional demeanor. Stay with our series and soon we will be sharing in more details the various layers of the aura, and how they pertain to each and every one of us.

Now that you hopefully understand what is a chakra, or some idea, lets start with a bit of a refresher, the word chakra means spinning wheel. These spinning wheels, or centers of energy, are located along our spine, beginning at the base up through the top of your head. We will begin with the Muladhara, or Root chakra, at the very base of the spine.

Muladhana, Mula means root, support, very much like the root system supports life. It always makes me think of a beautiful big tree, the roots so deep within the earth, that holds these giants upright and strong throughout the changing seasons of sunshine, wind, rain, sleet, and snow. Its the very foundation of our existence, that comes from the primal need for survival. It’s more than the need to find food and drink for sustenance, or shelter from the elements, it is our reason to live.

The Root chakra is represented by the color, red, it is of planet earth, and all that we see, think, smell and hear. The senses that surround the human experience, the reason to get up every single day. This inner energy conductor helps us to somehow know we belong, we have a reason, a song so to speak that plays inside our souls. A memory to fulfill, that leaves behind a footprint of our time here on this planet. A reason to succeed in fighting the battles that try to defeat us, and rejoice in celebrating the victories that build us to higher achievements.

Because this chakra represents our bedrock, all of life, starts at this gate within the human reality. The breath of life breathes, the body functions, and the soul ignites the desires that burn within. Thus becoming the path that brings forth the journey, the lessons of confidence, security, fulfillment, prosperity, patience, and so much more. The positive reinforcements that show a balanced chakra of energy. Aww, but, on the flip side, it wouldn’t be life, if it was perfection, easy, and assigned without challenge.

Our bodies have many chakras, and as we have shared in prior articles, we will be focusing on the main seven chakra energy centers. When life does present the many challenges we face every day, often the root of all, so to speak, can become unbalanced, unsure. It’s important to know that all the chakras work in unison with one another, as one or more cannot work efficient without the others. Ideally, all working in unison. It doesn’t always begin with the root chakra, sometimes it is other chakras that become out of order so to speak. An unbalanced root chakra can show symptoms such as fight or flight mode, anxious, arrogant, insecure, confused, in doubt, just to name a few. These emotions can become chronic, and left unchecked, can lead to a life unfulfilled.

The chakra system for all the power it can bring to life, as shared, equally it can become unbalanced. Balancing the system and keeping alignment within these energy centers, takes work, and understanding of the nature of each. Life never has come with a set of instructions, and when tragedy, or hardship comes into a life, it can be very difficult to work through the pain and suffering, to see the brighter side. Each of the chakras can be balanced, through perceptive of its purpose within the human realm.

Chakras are associated with certain aspects of the body, as the root chakra deals with the adrenals, as well, hips, legs, feet, tailbone, genitals, anus and kidneys. Healing the chakra can be found in affirmations, such as stating you are whole, you are grounded, rooted in Mother Earth, speaking the positive in a daily manner. We will go more into the health aspect in later articles.

The chakra can also be balanced with healing stones such as, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Red Zincite, Garnet as well others. Also healing Essential Oils can help such as, Angelica Root, Benzoin, Cedarwood, Frankincense, just to name a few. Yoga poses has also helped to bring unity and balance to this chakra as well.

The balancing act of life can be difficult, but, remembering we all have lessons to learn in our journey, can help sometimes, in perhaps not being so hard on one’s self. To know we all make mistakes, we all must learn to deal with the winds of change, both, the not so good, as well as the wonderful. Knowing that this too shall pass, and the sun will shine again, after the rain. Look for the rainbow in everything you do, those chakra colors giving promise to our lives.

Next we will talk about the Sacral Chakra…

Until next time…..
