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As we continue on in our series on Chakras, or sometimes known as the body’s energy centers that affect our physical, mental, and emotions. In past articles within this particular series, we discussed that these energy centers in our body, are accountable for processing and distributing vital energy all throughout the body. There are seven main chakras that we have been discussing, and these chakras are located beginning at the base of the spine up to the top of the head. Each chakra is responsible for a different physical, emotional, and mental role.

A quick review of the seven main chakras includes, the Root chakra located at the base of the spine, responsible for survival instincts, as well grounding. Next chakra located just above the Root chakra is the Sacral that encompasses creativity, self. Don’t forget the next chakra above the Sacral, called the Solar Plexus, self-esteem and personal power. Then comes the all-important Heart chakra, all about love, understanding, deeper meaning. What would we be, if we didn’t have a voice to speak our truth, as above the Heart chakra is the Throat chakra. Which brings us to the Third Eye chakra, intuition, psychic powers in the all-seeing.

The Ajna or Third Eye chakra is located near the forehead between the eyes. Right in the seat of all vision, including the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly. As we can see things clearly both in vision, emotions, and the external world around. The word Ajna means command and perception, the connection bridge, with both intuition and intelligence insight, thus it has also been referred to, Eye to the Soul.

This chakra has also been associated with the “pineal gland” which is located within the brain. This tiny gland is shaped like a small pinecone, thus its name. This hearty gland when activated can produce enhanced intuition and psychic abilities. Over time can be developed to learn to trust your gut instincts with confidence. The psychic aspect can also be formulated to be clairvoyant, or all seeing, extrasensory perception. Needless to say, this chakra is a powerful tool to the human experience. When the Third Eye is unbalanced can produce the exact opposite, indecisive, confused, unsure, migraines, or headaches.

The Third Eye chakra is the color indigo, blue indigo has many hues, seen as deep blue. Indigo represents wisdom and intuition. In some cultures, this is the color of royalty, prestige, and of course when we look to the sky above the blue means endless, all possibilities, the unknown.

The Third Eye is part of the higher consciousness, the upper chakras that represent the thinking, the connection of the divine, the applications that adhere to our higher self. Depth and perception beyond the physical. To dare to enter the inner realm, the all-being that is in all of us.

It is important to keep this chakra and others aligned and balanced with yoga, meditation, good nutrition as always, and dark blue or purple healing stones, such as Lapis Lazuli, Blue Quartz, or purple fluorite. PS OHM is the sounds that sooth this soul.

So dare to enter the inner realm of thought, intuition, and psychic abilities by opening up your Third Eye chakra… it is easy to do, close your eyes, ask for this chakra is show you the way!

Until next time when we finish up the chakra series with the last and most divine connection, the Crown chakra.