In our fast paced world, we often give little thought to our bodies energy centers. Let alone even knowing we have them. We wake up and begin our day, thinking, planning and going through the motions. But, if you ever did decide to look into what makes you tick so to speak, you might be surprised at what you discover.
Last time we shared the Heart chakra, the bridge from the lower chakras to the upper chakras. The lower chakras as you remember represents our physical, mental and emotional. The upper chakras represent our spiritual side, our divine guidance, insight, our soul’s purpose. The seven main chakras, or Sanskrit meaning spinning wheel, each represents a specific order, a natural energy flow throughout the body.
The Throat chakra or Vishuddha, Sanskrit name, is blue in color, element is ether/sound, and sound is HAM. This chakra represents communication, expression, truth and integrity. It sits right above the heart chakra, in the throat area, and has the ability to translate into words, transcribing the energy received.
There is an old adage that states, the tongue, the words spoken can cut like a knife, either leaving permanent scars or lasting lovely memories. It truly is a double edge weapon depending. It isn’t that the words alone can make or break the moment something is said, it’s the energy that is associated with those words, and the action that follows.
A balanced Throat chakra brings inner peace in and around the body. It is the power of the words of encouragement, peace, happiness and fulfillment that make the difference. We all have bad days, but, habitual negativity spoken can lead to health issues, and frustration personified. The imbalance of the throat chakra leaves just that, misunderstandings, depression, unable to communicate positive with others. Over time, this does as mentioned, takes a toll on the health, both physically and mentally. The emotions can overwhelm making it difficult
So how can imbalanced throat chakra be healed? Blue, black and purple foods, juices, berries and dark colored vegetables is a good foundation to start. There are throat chakra healing stones, such as, sodalite, blue calcite, angelite and blue turquoise just to name a few. Also, try essential oils such as basal, chamomile and peppermint can assist in the healing.
Learn to bring back the positive in daily affirmations, such as I am a good person, I am a caring person, I am liked and so on. It is a process to bring the journey of healing the Throat chakra back. To find joy in the little things of life, to learn to give thanks for all the good in your life, not to dwell on all you lack, ultimately sinking into a state of quiet, reserved, not speaking your truth due to lack of confidence. The broken wheel that never seems to ride smooth along your trail, your path, your destiny.
When you begin to heal the Throat chakra it becomes much easier to speak, to stand behind the words of encouragement, understanding, and funny enough patients. You ask why patients? Simply put, it is the ability to see the bigger picture of life, that despite our best efforts to try and do everything right, thus, we expect the same from others. Comes the truth, the vision to be patient, and have compassion for yourself and others. It doesn’t come overnight, it is an acquired experience, one that does mean patients that our voice, our words can make or break. To think before we speak, to take the power of the words expressed through our throat and spoken in our voice.
Positive creates positive, plant seeds as such in your garden, and watch it grow. It can overtake all weeds of negativity, as it can overrun them with goodness. So make someone’s day, smile and speak your truth in kindness, and compassion for others… Don’t forget yourself… You matter too!
Next time the all seeing Third Eye… Until then…………