As we step into a new year, one can’t help but think back to the year or years past. The good times, as well the not so positive. Our special moments with loved one’s that perhaps are now gone. Life brings change every day, as the clock ticks on with each passing moment.
We here at Mediums Too feel it is important to share information that might help someone that is curious about contacting a medium, or perhaps seeking to find out is there life after death. Can I get a message through to a loved one that has passed. Is it even possible to contact spirit from beyond the veil? Does the soul lives on?
If you ever wondered about what is a medium, this is a great place to start. A medium is simply the middle. The middle between the sitter, or client, and spirit or better know as the soul that is in a different form now. The physical body is gone, but, the soul spirit lives on.
So what are some kinds of mediums? What do they do? Are they all the same? Well, lets start with the types of mediums within mediumship. In this article we will discuss briefly five different types.
The first is the spiritual medium, or medium in general. This form of mediumship is directly working with the spirit beyond the veil. The medium uses various practices to contact spirit, we will go into depth in a later article.
The second is a physical medium, this is the practice of a specialized system so to speak wherein the medium actually produces a physical phenomena.
The third is channeling, which is where the medium directly channels spirit through themselves. Much along the lines of trance or half trance mediumship. Trance requires the medium to lower vibrations down to receive spirit in a more unconscious state. Half trance is where the medium is very much aware of where they are, and who they are connecting with in spirit. Giving messages. This could also be automatic writing and other forms of communicating with spirit.
Fourth is psychometry, which means the medium can gain insight from objects and photographs of the deceased. A medium can hold or view objects up close or from a distance. A lot more on this form in future articles.
Last but certainly not least is evidential mediumship. This is where the medium can give key pieces of evidence from the spirit. This is where identification and clear detail can put the client at ease the medium has made contact with spirit. By identifying spirit with pieces of evidence.
No matter which you form of mediumship you feel most comfortable with, the decision to hire a medium can be challenging at best. No one wants to be scammed or go through unnecessary hurt, and betrayal with the wrong medium. It is a very private, personal decision. Finding a medium that can fit the bill in one or more of these services would be ideal for sure.
Remember to take your time to research the medium. Try not to go into a reading expecting that all your questions will be answered. Or expecting a certain loved one to come through. That all will be revealed within the reading. Honestly, it is not a cop out for the medium, it is a matter of whether or not spirit wishes to communicate with the medium. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely good and bad mediums, but, to downplay the abilities of a medium based on the fact they couldn’t bring through a certain loved one, and give the secret code word isn’t always a fair evaluation. Sometimes messages that are needed for the sitter and or client come in ways unexpected. It can be a message that doesn’t make sense at the time, but, later will prove, thus realize the messages needed. We never know how spirit comes through.
I cannot speak about all mediums, each one possesses their own unique style, and demonstrates their own gifts. I can only speak on the way Mediums Too gives readings. We strive to bring in the loved one you had hoped to hear from. We bring in evidence, details and more. Every intention is set forth prior to the reading, and we serve with integrity and compassion within the messages received.